The Need for Speed

The good part was the enthusiasm it generated. Loads of people queued up behind the screens and cheered up participants. It pretty much revived the gaming interests in a lot of people.
The best part was the tournament itself. We have almost a quiz every week conducted by students for students - ranging from Geography, Bollywood, Music, IT, Marketing, Finance, General Knowledge etc, apart from the innumerable JAMs, debates, block and tackles. The common thread in all of these is that everything was somehow acads or mind oriented. Nothing was for fun, excepting the physical game competitions conducted every year. But this event was pure fun. I personally feel this makes the whole competition system complete - catering to all types of people.
The organizers have promised more on the same lines: AOE, Unreal, Counter Strike, F1, Quake etc.
On a different note: It's disheartening to find that freedom of expression is something that's still a castle in the vacuum. Kaps has been doing a great job covering the incidents in Chennai involving questionable practices by the so-called moral police, while he himself is bothered by spam to his reviews of the latest newspaper. I can only empathize since I've witnessed similar stong threats because of posts. Even if you mention "Views are entirely personal", there seems to be no meaning to it. Sometimes, you really wonder how good it would be to live in countries where 'freedom of speech' really means something. Sigh!
Thanks for the concern and the support.
Hi Govar,
Reading your blog for quite some time and it is really going good. I never heard about the computer game tournament, looks intresting and hope you guys would have enjoyed a lot.
If you find time, just visit my blog.
Who obstructed freedom of speech? What am I missing here?
Sure Kaps!
@Krish: Thanks man... would check your blog.
@Ram: Nothing much... will tell ya when we meet. :)
"The common thread in all of these is that everything was somehow acads or mind oriented. Nothing was for fun, excepting the physical game competitions conducted every year."
Now Govar dood, that was an uncalled for comment on your post. All the events that I conduct I try and inculcate some amount of fun into it. Of course, you would realise it only if you actually sit through the entire event and not leave half way through, as you usually do ;-)
Gud thing that u wrote abt NFS... It was gr8 to be there.... but you could have made the 2nd part another post altogether. Theres a total shift of focus fun to serious. Cheers
Govar, long time no hear. Moral policing and Tamilnadu - yes, I do have an opinion too but on a lighter vein as you can see from my latest post :-)
Hey Govar,
Thanks for the place on your blog, will try to conduct more of these soon!
Himanshu Maggo
@Angshu: I know... but I was in no mood to type a different post. :)
@Thennavan: Kinda become irregular to blogs... guess will be back sometime soon.
@Maggo: Yo man! Thank you guys for that.
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