All into UtsAha! 2006
College life could be so short. Just when you feel comfy with the whole bunch of people around you, you could already be in the second year. And when you start to get a hang of things around, a couple of important activities could come and pull you all in. Before you realize, people would've started a counter for the remaining days left.

This time, it is UtsAha!, the annual marketing fair that's conducted by IIM Indore. This is probably the only time we get to interact with the people of Indore. I happen to the media coordinator, and hence partly responsible to make UtsAha! resonate in the minds of all Indorians [or Indoris?]. It's like being given lacs of money and make all what you've read in the books work for real! Some challenge it's turning out to be.
If you happen to be in Indore when UtsAha! is happening, don't forget to visit the grounds.
For now though, b'ted merry X-mas. I'd reserve the new year wish for the next post!
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