No-hassles package deals from ITDC
Indian tourism is on a roll. I read about the latest foreign tourist inflow figures and was astounded. There has been a similar increase in number of Indians traveling inside India. While the good thing about all this is that a lot more revenue is coming in and it helps millions of people who depend on tourism for survival, the inevitable fallout is that most of the commercial tourist spots are cramped and becoming nasty.
One thing that you can’t refuse is that some of the Indian tourists are crude and far less cultured than people from other countries. I recently saw a news clip about the animals in zoos in the North-East of the country being tortured by tourists. Similarly, I had a hard time negotiating all the spit inside world famous monuments in Agra (including Taj Mahal) where shoes were not allowed. I wonder why we can’t enforce no-spitting policies inside all these heritage monuments, if not whole of cities, particularly in North India. I mean, how difficult really can it be to respect such places of historic importance?
That aside, it’s great to see Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) taking serious efforts to develop tourism of India. After reading this news clip, I recently took a package trip offered by ITDC/Andhra Pradesh TDC to Tirumala, Tirupathi and was mighty impressed by the whole thing. Not only was the package structured economically, the planning was professional.
Visiting Tirumala, the second richest religious place in the world, used to be a whole big costly deal earlier. The last time when I visited was six years back and I remember booking rooms days in advance, with a whole lot of people and so-called guides confusing you by pouring all sorts of unwanted information regarding accomodation, waiting for hours in jam packed queues that were half a mile long, and traveling in shabby and creaky buses that sounded ominous.

Verdict: Highly recommended.
It really is great to see that Indian tourism is growing. We people are sitting on a virtual (cultural) goldmine and are yet to fully exploit it. Just take a look at Dubai... What have they got to offer in comparison to India? Yet they promote tourism so well and are very much a tourism hot spot. All said, I really appreciate ITDC's latest initiative "Aththi Devo Bhava". It is the right kind of message to convey to fellow Indians...
My Family too went from blore in an ITDC Pkg tour to Tirupati and they too were all praise for the same.
Hi Govar,
You are right..
It's a hassle free dharshan..
No confusions...
I have also gone twice through this package...
It was a great...
guess indian tourism is truly coming off age but still has quite some distance to reach before it is considered international quality...
@Scipio: Neat point. I think they showcase shopping as the basis for tourism. And yeah, it's a great possibility when coupled along with our own heritage stuff that's avaialble nowhere else in the world.
Dear Grover,
Thanks for the good article. can u plz also tell us, how to book the tcikets of ITDC from chennai . I want to travel this week.
u can email me also at
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