A big miss at the Oscars...
I watched Mani Rathnam's Kannathil Muthamittal for the third time yesterday, and I’m compelled to post yet again. [I put a post on it a year back when I watched it for the second time].
There are some movies that you like, and some you love, and some you just admire. This is one of them. This movie is perfection exemplified. Every frame is a work of a genius. The nuances of character definitions are impeccable. They just can't be any better.

But this one is Oscar material from the word go.
Movie buffs that have watched the movie would agree. This movie shows the plight of people in Sri Lanka and the undercurrents of the revolutionary struggle. The story base is frigteningly real and cold - it is actually inspired by the story of an American couple that takes their adopted daughter to another country to let the kid see her blood mother.
Just think about movies of similar variety. Killing fields won three Oscars for portraying the mayhem Khmer Rouge. Apocalypse Now (yes, this one is a class of its own), the most haunting critic about Vietnam got two. No mans land, on Bosnian-Serbian problem, won the Oscar tipping over Lagaan. Several other movies of similar nature (Himalaya, for instance) portraying the struggle of people who are out of world’s news radars, but with a powerful background nevertheless, have been nominated. Hell, even Motorcycle Diaries that shows Che Guevara in his transformation years got an Oscar.
Well, sometimes, you probably need more than talent to make it big. I think it’s the case with other genius work-of-art movies that have a similar story behind them. Shawshank Redemption is one. It was a flop to begin with. And it wasn’t even nominated for a single Oscar. But, through word of mouth publicity, it went on to become one of the biggest sensations in the history of movie moving. You just can’t come out of the movie feeling nothing. There is no way you can don’t-like the movie. Long after it was made, it’s been recognized as the biggest miss in the Oscars. Guess these are copy-cat stories similar to that of Gandhiji not winning a Nobel peace prize!
As for now, let's just wait for Mani Rathnam's next movie (Guru).
P.S: This post's tone might be a lil' out-of-ordinary... that's coz I'm a bit senti about it right now. Recency effect may be...
Hey Govar.....thanks for the post.
Will definitely watch it.
Hey Govar,
It's quite a shame that you've watched the movie only thrice till now. Considering that you own a copy of the movie, I would've thought you watched it many more times.
Well while I agree with you that this movie is surely Oscar material, spare a thought for the immense amount of politicking that goes into which movie is nominated for the Oscars from India every year.
Yes, bureaucracy reeks in every corner of India and why should the movie field be any different.
@Saini: A MUST watch dude... watch it with subtitles. The numerous subtle nuances can't be picked up... but it's great even otherwise.
@Jam: I know machan... I'm currertly going a full round of all great mvoies. The CD with this movie is gonna stay me with forever...
hey Govar Boss, wats up?? settled in chennai?...just stumbled over your blog..after long time...keep writing...
Hey Rahul.. going good. Happy Diwali dude!
yes da... one of Maniratnam's class act.
Sad truth is, it really wasnt a big hit in TN itself (atleast in class B,C)
leave only Oscars !!
If i had to pick a biggest miss at the Oscars, I'd say it was when Curtis Hansen's great L.A. Confidential didn't win best picture .. this movie, however, definitely sounds like something I will like, so i've added it to my Netflix list .. thanks for the head's up
My name is Carri. I'm a screenwriter in Los Angeles, California doing research for a TV program on the sleeping habits of children all over the world, ages 6 to 12. I'd like to include children from India. I'm wondering if you could help me. I'm specifically looking for information on where children sleep (In the same bedroom with other siblings? On the street? What do their rooms look like? What are their bedtime rituals? I’d like to send parents (or anyone who works with these children) a questionnaire that better explains what I’m doing. My story is meant to be sweet piece on children, for children, but one that also enlightens them to the lives of other children around the world.
Please email me at ckaruhn@msn.com.
Thank you
@Arun: yeah, it wasn't meant for the masses. I wouldn't except it to be a hit when Vijay's movies clock 100 days by default.
@Reel Fanatic: Sure... you wouldn't be disappointed.
@Carri: Will mail you in a while...
Yah govar, what you have said is true. KM is one great product of Mani Ratnam. I had watched it for more than once in the theatre itself. This movie got a well crafted climax. The girl's performance was outstanding. The first few times, it was very heavy when i came out of theatre.
SO how do you find chennai? Where do you stay here ?
Chennai's been good dude... and not even hot!
Hey Govar,
Your post made me watch and enjoy this movie one more time this weekend. BTW, caught up with Vettaiyadu Vilaiyadu this weekend. Amazingly slick movie.
haha.. cool machan. Even I got to watch Downfall in a big screen and it was amazing!
I have seen many times. Its realy a good one to watch.
govar..you ask me i would rate "Anbe Sivam" also in the same league..although not on the same subject lines which is of global interest. Its a masterpiece!
Anbe Sivam... bingo! One of my top-5 Tam all time favorites. Its again a genius of movie-making. But I wasn't sure if its Oscar material coz I think Oscar has a bent towards issues of Global importance wherein Anbe Sivam might have a disadvantage. But of course, it is a serious candidate for 'Best Oscar' kind of roles (is this open to non-English movies?) if not the Best Foreign Language piece.
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