Filter coffee please!
Despite my crappy schedule and work load, and in between working in the weeks and weekends, I’ve managed to squeeze some 'life' out for myself. In the process, I come across another great book [The Weather Makers], a great movie [The Transformers], the very-definition-of-shitty movie [The Host], and some marriages interspersed here and there.
And oh! – add some nice blogs to the list too. The one below is good. The next time the guy/gal with you tells s/he likes a little stronger Americano with extra sugar and a little salt, you tell him you love Café Latte, but one that is not formed in the regular way but the one formed by mixing equal amounts of Flat White and Cappucino.

P.S: I like all these coffees, but just think they could do something more. Read my earlier argument how the modern Cafe's can actually make much more money by serving just one additional item to their menu - a strong and nice filter coffee, at their own rates of course.
Hat-tip: IndiaUncut.
Thats something I have always felt myself - the need to serve filter coffee in our famous Indian coffee places.
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