A time to kill - CounterStrike
Welcome to enthralling world of CS, a.k.a Counter-Strike.

Its a game where terrorists and counter-terrorists battle each other for victory. To win, you need to have a lust for blood, a lust to kill. A longing to massacre. Violence rules. Felony brings you laurels.
That was a short, if not sweet, introduction to Counter-strike. The game truly deserves it. Everyday in IIMI, atleast some 50 students take to this game, to find who's the master with the weapons. We have 2 or 3 game servers running round the clock.
Bullet shots and bomb bursts can be heard till about 4 am everyday. Yesterday, for instance, we were playing till 5.30 am in the morning. What makes it really interesting is the fact that the players are not computer generated. We play over the LAN.
We even have a contest between PGP1 and PGP2 somtime this week. Waiting for it.
CS is a religion. CS is a passion. CS is an obsession. Hail CS. What a difference in an otherwise very monotonic, bland existence!
Grt work govar !!! beautifully put....
Hail cs !!!
IIMI rocks buddy ...come on give those IIMB fellas a run for their money in terms of Insti Enjoyment!!
Nsoi Maadi
Thanks Ranjit... aka DON. Would kill you tonight. :-P
Hari... LOL.. sounds real amusing stuff, but then am sacrificing a loooot of academic stuff for the game... its a very very addictive game.
Hope I come out of this soon! :-(
Hey Swastik... yeah, nothing like CS. But they, sorry, I forgot, whats the URL of your blog? Your profile doesnt show that. Tc.
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